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GPS Track Details
Track length: 11.89 km
Moving time: 2:27
Average speed: 4.83 km/h
Total ascent: 169 m
Total descent: 119 m
Difficulty Level: 3/5 - Medium
Categories: Hiking
Terrain: Public access
Hits: 6608
Overall rating: 5 (2122 vote(s))
  • Knockfarrel Latitude: 57.587548 Longitude: -4.495113

Knock Farril (Knockfarrel) is the name of the summit of a ridge called Druim Chat (Cat's Back) to the east of Strathpeffer, Knockfarrel Hill Fort is located at the end of an impressive crag and tail land feature.
The ridge rises very steeply and is crowned by an important vitrified fort.
This fort first attracted the attention of archaeologists as far back as the 1770s. The result was unfortunate as Richard Feachem. in his guide to prehistoric Scotland says. ''The great size of all the remains and the blurring of outlines and details render almost all questions about this fort unanswerable as yet However, those not particularly interested in archaeology can console themselves with excellent views of the countryside from the Cat's Back easily approachable by a footpath from near the centre of Strathpeffer.

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