If you're looking for holiday accommodation and hospitality in and around Fordingbridge and the surrounding country of Hampshire whether it be a hotel or guest house, Fordingbridge may be the place to go. Fordingbridge provides tourists with holiday accommodation and hospitality in the area, allowing travellers to make the most of their time while on vacation in the county of Hampshire. For individuals who prefer to make use of the region's facilities, the Fordingbridge area provides a choice of housing options, including hotels as well as self-catering residences and cottages. Additionally, the hamlet offers a variety of cheap lodging options, including hotels, bed and breakfasts at reasonable rates, and furnished apartment rentals as well as self catering cottages. Fordinbridge, as well as the other towns and villages in the county of Hampshire, offers a diverse range of recreational and commercial activities for both tourists and business travellers to enjoy.
Visit Fordingbridge in Hampshire, where you can see a repaired and expanded mediaeval bridge that spans the Avon and earned the town its name. The views from this vantage point are stunning. Fordingbridge is located in the New Forest's northwestern corner and was once the only way out.
It was once renowned for the production of canvas and sail material, but it is now a market town popular with tourists, particularly those who enjoy fishing, trekking, and exploring in general. The church is approached along a lovely avenue of limes and sugar loaf yews, with Early English, Decorated, and Perpendicular construction. The north chancel chapel's magnificently carved 15th-century roof is notable, and a "Miracle Stone" on the north wall of the north chapel is supposed to have extraordinary characteristics. The National Trust owns 512 acres of moor and forest in Hale Purlieu and Millersford Plantation, three miles north east of Fordingbridge, where Bronze Age remains have been discovered in three barrows.
A little distance north is Hale Park, which is situated on the River Avon. It was created by architect Thomas Archer as his private residence in 1715 and partially modified by Henry Holland in 1770. The public is welcome to see both the home and the gardens.
- Fordingbridge Geolocation Latitude 50.9258° N Longitude 1.7925° W
- Fordingbridge Postcode SP6
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