Duffus Some 2 miles inland from Hopeman the great Norman mound of Duffus Castle, once lapped by the waters of Loch of Spynie, rises from the Laigh of Moray.
The stone castle on the site was preceded by a motte and bailey stronghold of earthwork and timber, regarded as the finest in the north of Scotland because of the outer precinct ditch which surrounds the castle.
- Duffus Castle Postcode IV30
- Duffus Castle Geolocation Latitude 57.6876° N Longitude -3.3615° W
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The formidable keep was built in the 14th century and a range of doniestic buildings was added after 1452.
The ruins are now in the care of thc Department of the Environment; so too are the ruins of the ancient Church of St Peter near Duffus village.
This lovely old church has the base of a l4th century tower and a handsome decorative porch built by Alexander Sutherland, its rector in 1524, While in the churchyard is a cross over 14 ft high dating from the l4th century.